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Alpha Epsilon Rho

Members of AERho emphasize superior scholarship and creative participation in broadcast, corporate, and digital media production and activity. Membership in AERho exemplifies excellence of work, demonstrated leadership qualities, and service to the organization, the community, and the industry. Alpha Epsilon Rho is part of the Broadcast Education Association (BEA), who’s annual conference is held in April in Las Vegas alongside the international NAB Show, sponsored by the National Association of Broadcasters.

AERho membership recognizes your outstanding academic achievement. AERho members receive a membership certificate, and honor cords following their initiation at the national convention. Honor cords may be worn at the member’s commencement and other academic ceremonies in accordance with the policies of the member’s academic institution.

Advance in your career. You’ll be able to list your AERho membership on your resume, highlighting that you have achieved academic standards of excellence to employers and internship coordinators, setting you apart from other applicants. In addition,  AERho alumni members in the electronic media industry recognize what AERho represents, and that you share that common bond.

Advisor: Ray Eaton

President: Olivia Netland