Union’s Debate program teaches critical thinking in its highest and most integrated form.

The Union University Debate Team competes in the prestigious International Public Debate Association. Beginning a competitive schedule in 2008, the team has won 9 team season-long sweepstakes awards and 8 season-ending championship tournaments to go along with a host of individual and regional tournament awards. You can find more information about Debate Team applications and scholarships here, and more details about past teams and awards here.

Excellence Driven:

Union’s administration, from the President down, has clearly demonstrated its desire to launch a program that can succeed at the highest level.

Christ Centered:

The goal of the team will be to see every debater come to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and demonstrate His love to the collegiate debate community.

People Focused:

The team will increase their individual skills, support each other, and develop meaningful relationships; through hours of riding in vans, staying in hotels, and competing in tournaments.

Future Directed:

Debate teaches the argumentation and critical thinking skills that are easily transferable to a variety of career choices including law, politics, ministry, education, and business.

By participating in our debate team you will learn:

How to persuade with intangibles and logical argument

How to develop well constructed arguments in any field

How to look at issues from a variety of angles

The Union Debate team strives to be honorable to the Savior, a source of pride to the University, and a vehicle of service and education for all involved.

Debate Team Scholarship

Scholarships are available for those who qualify. You can apply at the outset of your debate experience or join the team and try to earn one through competition.

Future Opportunities:

Debate can open doors in your future. Many of the keys to success in graduate school, the marketplace, the business world, and public service, are the very skills you learn in debate: the ability to analyze problems, find logical alternatives, select a course of action, and persuade others of the correctness of your ideas through clear and organized communication. Plus, many graduate degree programs look extremely favorably on collegiate debate experience.

2011-2022 © Union University, Department of Communication Arts